To continue to grow stronger, St. Matthew is conducting a survey to evaluate the effectiveness of our Church leadership, ministries, and staff for the spiritual, educational and the social needs of you and your family. Please answer each question, to the extent that is true for you. Be honest. This will be a vital tool to help us make any necessary changes or enhancements to our St. Matthew Community.
Our Spanish Survey will take place in the next few months. Thank you, for your time and honest feedback. Please complete and return your survey no later than Sunday, April 14, 2024.
Surveys may be completed after the English masses this weekend, at the 4:30 pm, 7:00 am & 10:00 am in the courtyard.
Surveys can be mailed to the church office- 672 Temple Ave., Long Beach, CA. 90814 or
dropped off at the church office during business hours in our mailbox.